There are lots of different types of advocacy. Click on the boxes below to find out more details of the types of advocacy available.

Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA)

You have been assessed as ‘lacking capacity’ to make specific decisions about yourself, particularly about your care, including care based accommodation.

Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA)

If you are being detained under the Mental Health Act, you are legally entitled to help and support from an Independent Mental Health Advocate like those at South Essex Advocacy Services.

Care and Support Advocacy (Care Act)

Do you need help to be involved in decisions about your care needs? An advocate can help you understand your choices and make your own decisions.

Community Advocacy

A community advocate is someone who offers advocacy that is not based on a legal right. Community advocacy can be done by a paid professional or a volunteer or ‘citizen advocate’.

Financial Advocacy

If you need help navigating a local authority financial assessment, our advocates can assist.

NHS Complaints Advocacy

We provide guidance on how to make a complaint to the NHS and an advocate can assist in the process if you find it difficult to do so on your own.

Who we support

We support people who face disadvantage or discrimination, including people who have mental health needs, learning disabilities, dementia, autistic spectrum disorders or physical disabilities.