What kind of help is provided?

NHS complaints advocates support people to complain about the treatment or care, that they or a family member have received from an NHS service. This support is available at every stage of the complaints process. Advocates are independent professionals who are trained to support you. They are on your side and don’t work for the hospital or the NHS.

An advocate can help you to:

  • Identify the issues you want to complain about
  • Work out what you want to achieve from making your complaint
  • Write a complaint letter and send it to the right people
  • Understand the response you get and what to do next
  • Contact other services that might be able to hep you

The complaint could be for you, a member of your family or someone that you care for. Your advocate will support you to do as much as you can for yourself. Your advocate cannot make a complaint on your behalf; advocates help to make sure that the NHS listens to you. This does not mean that the NHS will always do what you want them to but your advocate will be on your side.

Please click HERE for a copy of our Self-help NHS Health Complaints Pack